Lollipop Meet, Divisionals, Banquet, and Awards

Hannah Selken



Lollipop Meet: 

It is time for our annual Lollipop Meet! This meet takes place during Fun Friday. Swimmers  8&under, Junior Rays, & Little Rays will swim in fun relay races. Swimmers who are 9 and older will be signing up to take on the volunteer positions typically held by their parents during A & B meets. At the end of the meet, we celebrate with a pancake breakfast and our competitors get a fancy lollipop and prize. Our fun starts at 9 am on Friday.


Like all things, we cannot do this without the help from our parents! We need help with both the lollipop meet and the pancake breakfast. For the lollipop meet we need to borrow rafts & leis and parents to help our swimmer volunteers run the meet. If you could sign up for what you can help with, it would be greatly appreciated. 


Pancake Breakfast:

We hold our annual pancake breakfast the Fun Friday before Divisionals each year. This year, Jamie Hartz has volunteered to make the pancakes at home, but feel free to contact her if you want to help. There are still options to donate other snack items for the morning at the link above.


Jamie Hartz: 703-836-3008



Final Divisionals entries will be sent out by Wednesday night. The coaches will be taking attendance throughout the week, and should swimmers not attend at least three practices, they may be taken out of the events they are in. 


At practice this week, we will be emphasizing technique and tapering. Tapering is the process of gradually decreasing yardage and the intensity of a swimmer’s workout to allow their body to rest for an important competition. That being said, swimmers must also be resting outside of practice. Encourage your swimmer to avoid strenuous activities (including spending the day at the pool) as we get closer to Saturday. We want everyone to perform their best, so we appreciate your help. 


In addition to resting, there are a few suggestions we would like to note. Encourage your swimmer to stay hydrated, eat healthy meals, think positively, and get enough sleep this week. If you want to read more about the subject, I have attached a few articles on best practices. 


General Nutrition:


Visualizing Races: 







RSVPs for the banquet are closed. Please see Nicole Grenier on deck starting Tuesday morning to pick up wristbands to eat at the banquet. The wristbands will ensure that we have enough food for everyone in attendance. 


Our cookout and awards ceremony will be held from 6:30-8:30. Afterward, the pool will be open from 8:30-9:30... just for Saratoga swimmers! Food will be provided for everyone, but bring your own drinks and swimsuits. 



Our team gives out three team awards for which swimmers nominate their peers: Golden Goggles, Best Sportsmanship, and Team Spirit. I have included a brief description of each award, but please encourage your swimmer to nominate their teammates at practice.


Golden Goggles: This award focuses on work ethic, dedication, and a love for swimming. The winner of the golden goggles exemplifies hard work in and out of the pool and inspires those around them.


Best Sportsmanship: This swimmer is kind to those around them and always encourages others. They shake hands at the end of races and always say good job. This swim always speaks positively and uplifts others.


Team Spirit: This swimmer is the loudest on deck. They never fail to be at the side of the pool, cheering their teammates on. They love their swim team, and their energy is contagious.